OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Friday, November 13, 2009


Monday 12:30 pm

Raph :"Da i dont think she will be coming.. :("
Riddi :"Guys i really dont know whats wrong with these girls.. "
Me :"sob.. sob.. :("

Dont be embarrassed reading the chat lines.This is just one of the our mundane concerns but unfortunately the most worrying one.Its been 14 months here in Bangalore all we could manage was..
a bike trip with 18 boys and a girl, 
a place amidst two crowded tables of girls at PURPLE HAZE but none at ours.., 
thirty minute wait in front of Le-ROCK on a friday evening owing to the absence of that extra GENRE..,
the sad "happy to be single" dinner at the Spirit Lounge on the eve of Feb14th.., 
the lone walk on the Brigade on  New Years Day..,
a complete row in INOX without an estrogen emitting element in it... !!!

Yea.. i know.. its SAD but its a FACT..!!

One worried night when this issue was raised by Sharanee to the notice of the "Timeless Ten", Sajan, the 'once upon a TIME' man proposed his famous
"God and Dice Theory.."
As per the God and Dice Theory, the male population on the globe is the conglomeration of groups of ten each.The group formation depends on the individual effort of a person to screw/wow his exams which earns him the tag of lazy/good, which  finally puts him into the 
bad/nice gang.The team tag/activity is the cumulation of the tag/activity of the team members which means that the tag/activity of the team intensifies on cumulation.Good makes the team 'more good' and the lazy makes the team 'awfully bad' :P.Once the team is 
bonded,now its time for the minority resource allocation.Since the good always deserve the best, each good group was allocated one ravishing minority resource each which created a scarcity of the minority resource for the rest.Too little resources for too many 'awfully bad groups' made God to implement the most whackiest idea of The Dice.The group who gets the call will get the resource.. and the rest is .....'ed!!!!
Well that sums up the theory.. 
This theory though its a bit complicated in black and blue, represents the root cause of our adversity.None of the loafers in our team of ten failed to make a proper call when GOD threw the DICE..!!
Some say that work is workship.I'd rather quote it as work is my tranquillizer..I bet for all the software geeks with googles its the same.They resort to tranquillizers because they failed to call the DICE.
Monday mornings do have a lassitude assosciated with it.I tried hard to evade the feeling by imagining the positive side of monday..."wow..4 more days to friday.!!" but the loafer in me corrected the line .."oh..man damn its 4 more days again to friday."
Luckily Riddi came up with and idea and pinged over IM

[Monday 12:00pm]

Riddi :Da how about meeting our junior from college
me :Da i haven't seen her.Why don't you ask Merin to invite her
               for lunch :D
Riddi :Fuck man.. thats awesome!! ;-)
me :yea i know.. 

Riddi invited Merin to the convo
Riddi :Merin how about we calling the junior for lunch
Merin :She is a very soft spoken kinda girl.Doesn't talk much.She'll be frightened to see a        group joining her for lunch
me :Call
Merin :OK..!!
Riddi :waw ;-)

Merin invited the Junior to the convo
Merin :Hai.. hows work
Jnr :Hi cheechi. works is hectic.Have to learn a lot
Riddi :Hi.. do you know me.. ??
Jnr :mm.. Ridish :)
Riddi : :-) so you have seen me at college.. gud ;-)
Jnr :I'm sorry I haven't seen you.The name is there on the IM.. :-)
Riddi :oh.. that's funny.. i like it.. :D
Merin :Are you busy..??how about meeting up at cafeteria for lunch?
Riddi :Yea.. You'll get to see me too :D
Jnr :I'm busy.Have a presentation.Will meet up some other day.
Riddi :oh..ok then carry on.Work is workship.Have a great day
Jnr :Thnks :-)

And that proved the theory once again.:(
Raph :"why its happening to us alone..?"
Riddi :"trust me fellas.. its not my influence"
me :"Guys THIS IS THAT"
Riddi :"What..??"
Raph :"God and DICE.. :(  "


  1. riddimon said...

    sh*t man !! u thekke'd and paste'd me on the waaall with this vone..

    i would've said these things though, at a different place, a different time with a different girl !! BUT NOT THAT ONE !!

  2. Yashin said...

    superb post man....
    there are no dots left in our dice dude....we are left with a blank cube now.....n its already runnin on debt ;)

  3. LEO said...

    You mean Appu mol..??? :P

  4. LEO said...

    Thanks Yashin ba..!!
    Thank God all of us are trying with the same dice .. :D

  5. Unknown said...

    hehe..paavam riddi....
    potte potte...