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Monday, November 23, 2009

Sharane's Axe Effect

Chocolates are always tempting so was the AXE Chocolate AD.
"The chocolate man, the 21st century reincarnation of the piped piper of Hameln,walking down the street.., followed not by swarm of rats but by a band of girls."
I was at home getting geared for my first trip to Bangalore when I saw the Ad for the first time on TV.
"You better close your mouth son.. !!"Amma said as I was staring at the TV open mouthed watching the ladies going gaga over the Chocolate man.I imagined myself running on the streets of Bangalore chased by "you know who..".That 65 second AD was seducing enough to list my name among the first patrons of the AXE Chocolate.. yea I got smitten by the AXE bug.. :P
Amma sensed my thought process and came up with her reflex conclusion
"I don't think it will be good.Dark Chocolates have a sour taste..!.I don't think it will make a good perfume"
"Amma its not a perfume its a deodorant" I replied
"Whatever be it son.. better don't buy it"she replied back.
Amma knew that I was craving for a bottle of the AXE and she knew that my intentions were the same as the chocolate guy in the AD.:D.She never wanted her son to tread the path which she belived was sin and which her moron son believed was salvation.May be it was her prayers or may be because Alleppey was too outdated for the AXE,I couldn't get a bottle even after two days of search.
My bag was ready stuffed with steam ironed shirts,trousers,biscuits and all the other accessories for my bangalore stay.Amma made it a point to make a chart of all the items that she had stuffed in my bag so that I don't face trouble in finding them.It was pretty long.!!
But still I felt that my heavy backpack was missing something.Yea I was right..,the AXE was missing.. :(.With a heavy heart I climbed up the airplane ladder to board the flight to bangalore..!!
My first weekend in bangalore was dedicated exclusively for the AXE Chocolate search,but adding to my dismay I couldn't get one.Each time the AD popped up on TV,my heart pounded faster.I believed that the root cause of my TIMELESSNESS was the absence of AXE.
"When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true".You must have read this in one of Cohelo's books.It remained as a paradox from the day I read it.To me it never appeared to be true.Its because each time I gave my uni exams,I made a genuine wish to get a 7.5 but never was my wish fructified.
But...for the first time, the saying saved me from yet another dismay.My hopes of running on the streets of bangalore revived when Sharane returned after his vaccation with a brand new AXE Chocolate.Sharane had seen the AD too.. :P.
Now it was time for the AXE Effect.The first month went by with each of us sharing that single bottle of AXE from Sharanee..but nothing changed..!!Then we decided to have separate bottles and slightly increased dosage to procure a better chance of being followed.But again nothing changed..!!
Since desperation being directly proportional to dosage,it augmented to such a level that from one bottle we moved to two bottles a month.The monthly allocation for cologne grew at an exponential rate than my annual increment.
Six months.. 12 bottles of AXE Chocolate 150 per bottle..,dosage twice a day..; but my expectation of a bee line still remained as an EXPECTATION..!!.The sight of empty bottles in the cupboard made me restless.I could sense the axed feeling.I was bloody tricked..!!.I 
felt sad for having spend a huge sum for no good.
Our house which was the voracious consumer of the AXE products six months back lost its prodigy.
But Sharane..wasn't ready to give up.He believed that patience was the key.He kept faith in AXE.The news about Vaibav Dev filing petition against AXE products hardly deterred his faith.Sharane continued using AXE..!!
Sharane was at Hyderabad for his team mate's wedding last weekend.He did carry his AXE..:). I was at home spending my valuable time glued in front of the TV.It was then the new AXE ad popped up for the first time.The ad portrayed the same ladies gaga theme,but this time it was not the axe man who spelled the ladies but a 'non-AXE user' who was 
standing next to the AXE man.The AXE field effect on a non-AXE user.!!
Wow..!!This sounds cool.A zero investement returns granted policy.But who will be the AXE man..??Me buying a new bottle of AXE and using and asking Riddi to stay near me to experience the AXE field effect wasn't a wise choice.My mind went fishing the possible options..
Sharane... the consistent , the lone AXE user.
Its time for the Sharane AXE Effect..!!Sharane using the AXE and me sticking with him to experience the AXE field effect .. :D.Hope this time the Ad turns true..!!


  1. riddimon said...

    dont let sharane know. :P

  2. Coxy said...

    Good one!!

  3. LEO said...

    Dude if I don't tell him that then it would be the 'thepp' of the century.. :D

  4. LEO said...

    Thanks a lot.. :) more feedbacks expected for the upcoming posts :D

  5. Ajithkumar Krishnakumar said...

    sheesh... i never knew advertisements could make such big impacts on people.. :)

  6. LEO said...

    well.. undoubtedly if you are so damn desperate.. :D

  7. LEO said...

    well.. undoubtedly if you are so damn desperate.. :D

  8. Marilda Effect said...

    nice one! like the depth you've given to the whole "Axe effect"!!
    The comments your mum spouted are just about the same my brother gets from our mum!