OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Jadoo Man of the Dark Room - I

Hi.. hi don't get confused by the title of my new post. Its not a review of yet another directorial dare of the Indo-American guy who is obsessed with portraying "SIGNS' and spooky "VILLAGE" and alien "LADY IN THE WATER" so unconvincingly enough to make me yawn all through the movie. This post is a  hypothesis with the underlying intention to solidify the assumption that one of my flat mate is an alien from Mars :D
Mr.Sharan is always a mystery to me.I have got reasons to validate my stand
:P. Here I unravel the enigma ;)

1.Unlike normal beings, he has got tiger like stripes on his back.I doubt if its some kind of program code embedded on the skin, just like the secret skin program code that Tonny Stark, the IRON MAN adorns on his neck

2.His ear lobes are far more sophisticated to sense subsonic and supersonic sounds the proof being the fact that it was Shara who discovered the "sprite bottle phenomenon" of Rapheal's vocal box :P.
3.Shara has a biological clock energized not by proteins or vitamins or any such edible crap.. but its thrives solely on TV radiations.10 minutes without TV is sure to bring him headache.

4.Shara's anatomical activities are regulated by modified Newton's Laws of Physics.."Whatever that goes in comes out in equal volume.." because each time he drinks a bottle of beer.. he pukes the equal amount.. :) 

5.His morphology is still the same as in the 10th std photograph taken 10 years back.This is clearly the sign of eternal youth.. no accumulations and no attritions, the characteristic feature of an E.T.
6.Back in Mars.. Shara works for Agent Smith.. and in due support for "Anything for Smith" campaign.. Shara watches MATRIX each time its televised on HBO just for Mr Smith.

7.Back in mars Shara has an arch rival who is a clone of the veteran music director Mr.Harris Jayraj and so each time Shara hears Harris' songs on TV he gets nausea out of wrath for Mr Harris. :P

8.Shara doesn't have webbed claws like Jadoo.. but he does have a radio transmitter inside his head tuned for signals from his E.T friends and all the E.T communication happens post 12am with a raised leg antenna (picture attached) :).
9.Shara is the timekeeper of the the Martian Griffindors :P and believes that time is to be saved rather than spend;just mention him the deadline that you have at your stake and he will be there behind you back snoozing on a regular interval that you are running short.But again without him we would have missed the train from Malaysia to Singapore \m/.

Lot more unanswered questions:
Why does Shara hit trees with his helmet on ?
Why does he puke when he is on boat?
Why does he always pick the dark room ?
Why did the IBM Chairman handover the IBM Bangalore office keys to Shara?
More updates coming up on Jadoo MAN of the Dark Room - II
Stay Tuned!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The "A" effect PART I

If a guy can talk to a girl perfectly on phone while he is smoking, he isn't giving the smoke the attention that it deserves. :D.He should be condemend from the smokers fraternity.
This is a post on Riddi mon's transformation over the past couple of weeks :P and his disregard to cigarette when he is busy musing the female cacophony over the phone.

Riddi after the "Pune Tragedy" was literally Timeless.His desperation transformed to drags and hence both of us stood under the shade of the mahagony, the smoking zone of the Escape Mall.
From then one Riddi,my flat mate,colleague,gym mate and buddy was entitled a new role as my fag mate ;).
Riddi, from the day i met him always remained true to his words and roles.Riddi was the Mr.Perfectionist of the lot.But for a first time he proved me wrong. :(
It was during the study leave of fifth semester that I met Riddi first time.He was there sitting 2 rows ahead of me at the 'Tech a break' fest @ TechnoPark,Trivandrum.Sharane and Tintu was right besides him.I was with Mr.Ittrix,two rows behind.The gap of two rows between me and riddi was populated by the adorable minority of Infosys ;).The crowd was cheering and humming the tunes with Sonu Nigam who was the celebrity of the evening.
After a popular hit track, Sonu Nigam migrated to a melody song "kal ho na ho".The pensive mood of the song was so contagious that people started waving their hands to and fro in a slow and timely fashion.The song was progressing calm and smooth.But the synergy of the uniform hand motion of the crowd inititated a sudden Adrenaline rush in one man. :P Yes it was Mr Riddi.!!  Riddi owing to the adrenaline reflex climbed on his chair ... well thats not the  end.. wait there is more to it  .. :P
he climbed on his chair leaving the rest of the people staring and tried to sync his masterpiece WAVE MOTION which had a tempo of 200,with kal.. ho. na ho.. which had a tempo of 10..!!!(for those who doesn't know what wave motion is, its the signature step of all the 
break-dance freaks.It initiates from the left hand and progresses to the right hand across the body, with each body part mimicing motion of a wave.) !!.
Logically speaking while Mr Riddi was enjoying his normality, the crowd was musing his abnormality.. :P.I figured out this when one among the infosys damsel sitting behind Mr.Riddi turned back towards the other gang of damsel minority who were away from her vicinity and shouted
" Odi vaaa... dhey.. avan..!!!!"

T.B.C will be back with more stories of Mr Riddi.

Monday, December 07, 2009

The Mediterranean Saga

I had never been to a Mediterranean Restaurant before.Never before had i tasted dishes with funny names that I could hardly spell.This was my first..!!It all happened on last Saturday.
After a week long hiatus we finally agreed to meet up at Zoe,Indira Nagar on Saturday 6.30pm to celebrate Seena's b'day.This one line action item  though it sounds simple was formulated after a weeks negotiation.With this one event I made the discovery that  
 "its always tough to plan things with female event managers".Well.. in this case it was Ms.Merin and I was her accomplice:D.
Seena's b'day was on the 23rd.Since 23rd being a weekday, the scope of a b'day bash was ruled out.Merin being her room mate and who claims to be Seena's 'kudos mate' :D, volunteered to organise a grand b'day treat for Seena.
I was @ barista doping my nerves with the drag of Classic, when Merin came up with the suggestion of Moccha as the hangout place for Seena's b'day .My face turned to a grin.I felt like asking her "Dude are you fucking serious..??".Moccha the name that is synonymous with 
HOOKAH..!!.For a minute I imagined myself sitting there on the roof top of Moccha with the chocolate flavoured calean by my side.For those who don't know what a hookah/calean is -"its an oriental tobacco pipe with a long flexible tube connected to a container where the smoke is cooled by passing through water."
I was damn elated,its been nearly six months since I have had a feel of hookah..
But my elation didnt last long. :(
Merin had been to that place before and she was more interested in the coffee shop on the ground floor of moccha than the smoky hookah place upstairs and she was planning to host the party there on the ground floor..!!
"Da its a bit expensive over there.The last time we went it cost us 500 for four people.All we had was four glasses of fruit juice." she said
Fuck..!! I couldn't digest the scene of me spending 100 bucks over a glass of fruit juice when i could get a Hookah for an extra 100.And how will i stay focused on the table seeing the some lucky morons smoking upstairs above me.!!
That marked the end of the Moccha plan.
Since my thoughts were biased by Hookah,I suggested Paramount Roof Top,since that was the alternate hookah paradise in bangalore.And I was damn confident that she was unaware of that. :D.
"If we can get a corner table for 10, it would be fantastic.The view is superb.Its a damn cool place to be." I said
But..  my Hookah dreams were abnegated by her reflex query"Is it mandatory to order Hookah if we go there.??"
Fuck. How the hell did she know that..!!
"Err..its not mandatory its at your disposal" I said.
"Ok .. in that case we will fix Paramount" she said.
God.. this is going to be a bigger torture than Moccha ground floor.There the Hookah accessibility was a floor above and here the accessibility was the adjacent table!!.I was bloody doomed.
Merry Merin the event manager prepared a list of the guests for Saturday night.She did her best to get the cell phone numbers of Seena's classmates.She presumed that Seena was unaware of the plot.:D. The day and the venue was informed to all the delegates.
On the eve of the event ie on Friday she came up to me and said 
"Da the thing is couple of my friends have been to Paramount roof top lately.They said like.. the place is too smoky and so they had to leave.I think its better that we shift the venue."
"Dude do one thing we will go over to the place once and check it" I replied.
"Yea that would be fine" she said.
Since Merry Merin being a workaholic,she failed to step out of office on time to catch 201-R Volvo to Paramount.
Worried Merin was on the verge of a breakdown when she called up Saturday morning;the place wasn't finalised.Luckily Nilesh bai came to the rescue suggesting Zoe the Mediterranean Restaurant at 100Ft.The venue was fixed finally.By 12pm on Saturday,I got an sms notification from Merin with the venue details and the reporting time.
Since on Friday I received a personal invitation from my Manager for his daughters birthday,I told Merin that I'd be a bit late for the party.I had ordered the b'day cake at Cakewalk but I forgot to mention that it was to be made without egg.Event manager Merin 
however made a call to Cakewalk and changed it to eggless.It was all finally set.
Riddi dropped me at my Managers place at 6.30
"Dude be here.I will be back in 5 minutes.Keep yourself busy on the phone with X ;)"i said
"Man don't keep me waiting for long" Riddi replied
"No dude.Don't worry my watch is perfectly running on time :D" i replied back 
By the time I stepped out of Managers flat after his daughters b'day party it was 7.20.By this time I had ignored 5 calls and 4 text messages from Riddi.I was right my watch was running perfectly on time I had kept him waiting outside for a little more than 5 minutes err.. approximately 50 minutes.
We hurried to the Zoe,lucky enough to find the last three pieces of the chocolate cake reserved for us.The guests had arrived and the cake cutting and smearing was over.. :(
A fancy menu listing the house dishes was passed on to each of us.Since I had trouble spelling those names in the menu,Ms.Dependable Merin who had been to Mediterranean Restaurants 
before ordered Venitican Grilled chicken for me.The name sounded sumptuous.
The silent soothing ambience of the Zoe transformed to a college clamor,loud laughs and camera flashings since it was a reunion of a group after a long time.
I was in a discussion with Rahul bai when my mobile flashed a text message from Raph

        -:Dude there was a slight confusion in the cake delivery.
            Its not egg less!!Will that be a problem?

I was sitting couple of chairs away from him.So I texted him back 
        -:It won't be a problem unless you announce it now on this table. 
           we will make a public announcement in my blog.Howzat ??:D

We exchanged 'keep your mouth shut' glances with eachother and resorted to the gossip session.
The Ventician Grilled chicken was there in front of me in ten minutes.Though the name was lengthy, it took hardly 5 minutes for me to gulp the last bit of it.God .. it  was a nutritional privation in terms of quantity.But I was lucky to have had a 'hands on' all the dishes that were ordered that night since I was at the first end of the table.

Merry Merin the lady of the day made it a point to pay the bill on her credit.Seems she will have to cut down her shopping hopes this month to save herself from that bill calamity.We huddled for a photo session after the dinner and then dispersed at 9.30.
Cheers and Thanks to all the folks who graced the occasion with their presence and Credits to Merin, the event manager.Hope that she continue to practise her event management skills and that too on her CREDIT..!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sharane's Axe Effect

Chocolates are always tempting so was the AXE Chocolate AD.
"The chocolate man, the 21st century reincarnation of the piped piper of Hameln,walking down the street.., followed not by swarm of rats but by a band of girls."
I was at home getting geared for my first trip to Bangalore when I saw the Ad for the first time on TV.
"You better close your mouth son.. !!"Amma said as I was staring at the TV open mouthed watching the ladies going gaga over the Chocolate man.I imagined myself running on the streets of Bangalore chased by "you know who..".That 65 second AD was seducing enough to list my name among the first patrons of the AXE Chocolate.. yea I got smitten by the AXE bug.. :P
Amma sensed my thought process and came up with her reflex conclusion
"I don't think it will be good.Dark Chocolates have a sour taste..!.I don't think it will make a good perfume"
"Amma its not a perfume its a deodorant" I replied
"Whatever be it son.. better don't buy it"she replied back.
Amma knew that I was craving for a bottle of the AXE and she knew that my intentions were the same as the chocolate guy in the AD.:D.She never wanted her son to tread the path which she belived was sin and which her moron son believed was salvation.May be it was her prayers or may be because Alleppey was too outdated for the AXE,I couldn't get a bottle even after two days of search.
My bag was ready stuffed with steam ironed shirts,trousers,biscuits and all the other accessories for my bangalore stay.Amma made it a point to make a chart of all the items that she had stuffed in my bag so that I don't face trouble in finding them.It was pretty long.!!
But still I felt that my heavy backpack was missing something.Yea I was right..,the AXE was missing.. :(.With a heavy heart I climbed up the airplane ladder to board the flight to bangalore..!!
My first weekend in bangalore was dedicated exclusively for the AXE Chocolate search,but adding to my dismay I couldn't get one.Each time the AD popped up on TV,my heart pounded faster.I believed that the root cause of my TIMELESSNESS was the absence of AXE.
"When you really want something to happen, the whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true".You must have read this in one of Cohelo's books.It remained as a paradox from the day I read it.To me it never appeared to be true.Its because each time I gave my uni exams,I made a genuine wish to get a 7.5 but never was my wish fructified.
But...for the first time, the saying saved me from yet another dismay.My hopes of running on the streets of bangalore revived when Sharane returned after his vaccation with a brand new AXE Chocolate.Sharane had seen the AD too.. :P.
Now it was time for the AXE Effect.The first month went by with each of us sharing that single bottle of AXE from Sharanee..but nothing changed..!!Then we decided to have separate bottles and slightly increased dosage to procure a better chance of being followed.But again nothing changed..!!
Since desperation being directly proportional to dosage,it augmented to such a level that from one bottle we moved to two bottles a month.The monthly allocation for cologne grew at an exponential rate than my annual increment.
Six months.. 12 bottles of AXE Chocolate 150 per bottle..,dosage twice a day..; but my expectation of a bee line still remained as an EXPECTATION..!!.The sight of empty bottles in the cupboard made me restless.I could sense the axed feeling.I was bloody tricked..!!.I 
felt sad for having spend a huge sum for no good.
Our house which was the voracious consumer of the AXE products six months back lost its prodigy.
But Sharane..wasn't ready to give up.He believed that patience was the key.He kept faith in AXE.The news about Vaibav Dev filing petition against AXE products hardly deterred his faith.Sharane continued using AXE..!!
Sharane was at Hyderabad for his team mate's wedding last weekend.He did carry his AXE..:). I was at home spending my valuable time glued in front of the TV.It was then the new AXE ad popped up for the first time.The ad portrayed the same ladies gaga theme,but this time it was not the axe man who spelled the ladies but a 'non-AXE user' who was 
standing next to the AXE man.The AXE field effect on a non-AXE user.!!
Wow..!!This sounds cool.A zero investement returns granted policy.But who will be the AXE man..??Me buying a new bottle of AXE and using and asking Riddi to stay near me to experience the AXE field effect wasn't a wise choice.My mind went fishing the possible options..
Sharane... the consistent , the lone AXE user.
Its time for the Sharane AXE Effect..!!Sharane using the AXE and me sticking with him to experience the AXE field effect .. :D.Hope this time the Ad turns true..!!

Friday, November 13, 2009


Monday 12:30 pm

Raph :"Da i dont think she will be coming.. :("
Riddi :"Guys i really dont know whats wrong with these girls.. "
Me :"sob.. sob.. :("

Dont be embarrassed reading the chat lines.This is just one of the our mundane concerns but unfortunately the most worrying one.Its been 14 months here in Bangalore all we could manage was..
a bike trip with 18 boys and a girl, 
a place amidst two crowded tables of girls at PURPLE HAZE but none at ours.., 
thirty minute wait in front of Le-ROCK on a friday evening owing to the absence of that extra GENRE..,
the sad "happy to be single" dinner at the Spirit Lounge on the eve of Feb14th.., 
the lone walk on the Brigade on  New Years Day..,
a complete row in INOX without an estrogen emitting element in it... !!!

Yea.. i know.. its SAD but its a FACT..!!

One worried night when this issue was raised by Sharanee to the notice of the "Timeless Ten", Sajan, the 'once upon a TIME' man proposed his famous
"God and Dice Theory.."
As per the God and Dice Theory, the male population on the globe is the conglomeration of groups of ten each.The group formation depends on the individual effort of a person to screw/wow his exams which earns him the tag of lazy/good, which  finally puts him into the 
bad/nice gang.The team tag/activity is the cumulation of the tag/activity of the team members which means that the tag/activity of the team intensifies on cumulation.Good makes the team 'more good' and the lazy makes the team 'awfully bad' :P.Once the team is 
bonded,now its time for the minority resource allocation.Since the good always deserve the best, each good group was allocated one ravishing minority resource each which created a scarcity of the minority resource for the rest.Too little resources for too many 'awfully bad groups' made God to implement the most whackiest idea of The Dice.The group who gets the call will get the resource.. and the rest is .....'ed!!!!
Well that sums up the theory.. 
This theory though its a bit complicated in black and blue, represents the root cause of our adversity.None of the loafers in our team of ten failed to make a proper call when GOD threw the DICE..!!
Some say that work is workship.I'd rather quote it as work is my tranquillizer..I bet for all the software geeks with googles its the same.They resort to tranquillizers because they failed to call the DICE.
Monday mornings do have a lassitude assosciated with it.I tried hard to evade the feeling by imagining the positive side of monday..."wow..4 more days to friday.!!" but the loafer in me corrected the line .."oh..man damn its 4 more days again to friday."
Luckily Riddi came up with and idea and pinged over IM

[Monday 12:00pm]

Riddi :Da how about meeting our junior from college
me :Da i haven't seen her.Why don't you ask Merin to invite her
               for lunch :D
Riddi :Fuck man.. thats awesome!! ;-)
me :yea i know.. 

Riddi invited Merin to the convo
Riddi :Merin how about we calling the junior for lunch
Merin :She is a very soft spoken kinda girl.Doesn't talk much.She'll be frightened to see a        group joining her for lunch
me :Call
Merin :OK..!!
Riddi :waw ;-)

Merin invited the Junior to the convo
Merin :Hai.. hows work
Jnr :Hi cheechi. works is hectic.Have to learn a lot
Riddi :Hi.. do you know me.. ??
Jnr :mm.. Ridish :)
Riddi : :-) so you have seen me at college.. gud ;-)
Jnr :I'm sorry I haven't seen you.The name is there on the IM.. :-)
Riddi :oh.. that's funny.. i like it.. :D
Merin :Are you busy..??how about meeting up at cafeteria for lunch?
Riddi :Yea.. You'll get to see me too :D
Jnr :I'm busy.Have a presentation.Will meet up some other day.
Riddi :oh..ok then carry on.Work is workship.Have a great day
Jnr :Thnks :-)

And that proved the theory once again.:(
Raph :"why its happening to us alone..?"
Riddi :"trust me fellas.. its not my influence"
me :"Guys THIS IS THAT"
Riddi :"What..??"
Raph :"God and DICE.. :(  "

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Discovery of the Weekend:- "The CUTENESS of a girl is directly proportional to the UGLINESS of her best friend.!!"

It all began on friday evening with the Paris Hilton starrer "The Hottie and the The Nottie".
Riddi and me had plans to start the weekend with FUEL,Lemon Slice and Salt,but Riddi backed out at the very last minute as he had to drop Raph at Madiwala.But I just couldn't stop 
cerebrating the thought of Fuel,in a high ball glass,tinted with fine salt on the edges and a lemon wedge to sip.Wise people like Me and Einstein can hardly resist temptation.But taking a Fuel bottle in full and that too alone wasn't a viable idea..Hence I ditched my Fuel dreams for a date with the dark brown translucent bottle of MALT BEVERAGE.. labelled FOSTERS.
Two bottles of beer can make me happy, three can make me go whacky..but i had neither two nor three but ONE.. which made me half happy and half sleepy.
And there I sat with the empty bottle mulling about the rpm of the fan spinning above me."I had nothing else to do..!! :)."
Riddi was filing his online application so I couldn't fish on the net for UPDATES nor watch "Mandy and the Candy" the "ACTION" movie downloaded last week ;).
The door bell rang.It was Sharaa.Luckily he had his laptop too..Hurray..!!.
"Da plug in the charger before you switch on the lap and you can take the blue usb.I have copied couple of movies in that."Sharaa said.
Since I was running on a high reaction time owing to FOSTERS,it took me a couple of seconds to comprehend the sentence in full.I switched on the laptop, plugged in the charger and the usb.Sharaa had a collection of movies on the usb.I scrolled over the list.. none of them seemed to strike a familiar chord with my 2009 movie database.
I have this habit of watching the movies with funny names and the irony is that none of them turned out to be FUNNY..!!The typical ones where "I know what you did last SUMMER",which i expected to be a sex comedy deprived me of sleep for two days;"The number 23",which I belived was a baseball movie jinxed me to see 23 everywhere for 3 
days..But my spirit to pick movies by name hardly abated.So this time too my decision was biased.I picked "Hottie and Nottie".
I double-clicked on the avi file, the screen went black.I was waiting for the Colombia-Tristar to pop up,but even after 2 minutes it still stayed dark.It was then i noticed the red light flashing..out of charge..!!.I had plugged in the charger cable but the switched was not turned ON..!!Mm.. yeah the FOSTERS was working on ME.
I ignored the "ominous start" warning because it wasn't the first time.The movie was about a guy(Joel Moore) meeting up with his childhood girl friend(Paris Hilton) after 10 years,too unfortunate to find that she was still lingering with her ugly best friend from school.Though the director wanted it to be a fun movie, the actors did their best to deliver the worst of the performace.The expression less face of Ms.Hilton and the untimely dialogues of Joel made my 
evening from bad to worse.All I could really focus in the movie was the dialogue from Joel "The cuteness of a girl is directly proportional to the ugliness of her best friend..".
He recited those lines so often that by the end of the movie I learned it by heart..!
Having had a boring start to a weekend,I decided to step out on the road for a fag.Riddi joined me.It was 10.45 pm when I took in the first drag to ease my brain for having had a wrong pick this time too.We were standing next to the CCD near MALABAR.The CCD was still open.Sometimes I feel that my eye muscles are involuntary..its because each time I stand in front of APPEALING places like CCD's there is always this tendency to peep inside.:D.. yea its kinda uncontrollable..!! I peeped in through the tinted glass.It wasn't crowded though it was a friday night.There at the right end on the red couch was this girl in an orange bubble top,sipping hot chocolate smiling and chatting with the guy sitting opposite to her.. she had 
dimples too.. she was just awesome.Me and Riddi as usual stood outside gaping..!!From the way they talked,it was quite obvious that the "sparkles where in the air" and the "angles where playing the harp","waiting for cupid to bend the bow".She was laughing uncontrollably.In a desparate attempt to control it she leaned back on the couch..

"Fuck man .. look at her.!!"Riddi said
Sitting next to that gorgeous girl in orange on the same couch was another girl,a potential SUMO fighting prospect for India engulfing the last bit of the Chicken Croissant,which I belive the guy must have ordered for his girl.As we stood there, all three of them stepped out of CCD.The girl was walking behind her friend and the guy I belive was about to tell her that he'd drop her home.But throwing cold water on all their plans her SUMO girl pal pulled her hand and took her on her car..The guy stood there waving them good night.. !!
I felt a tremor down the spine.I could hear Joel saying "The cuteness of a girl is proportional to the ugliness of her best friend..!!"in my head.Yea my wrong choice was haunting me again.God.. I'm witnessing the dialogue enacted in real.!!The gorgeous orange girl 
with her nefarious SUMO pal.. Shit..WTF.
I laid back on my bed.. i couldn't sleep..rolled sideways and finally dug my head underneath the pillow so as to save myself from nightmares..!!
Saturday morning was fine..Woke up at 11.Hence I decided to skip breakfast for an early lunch at Clay Pot.Me Riddi and Sharaa reached Clay Pot at 1.10.We got the penultimate table on the second row.Sharaa and Riddi went to the wash meanwhile i settled on the chair.We placed our orders and anticipated for the dishes to furnish the table in front.. :P
There on the left row was the ORACLE girl,the fabulous looking,fair skinned,curly hair whom I had seen couple of times in our tech park. She was there,sitting opposite to me on my left side table.She had come for lunch with her pal i belive.I couldn't see the person who was sitting opposite to her since Riddi was blocking my view.Food arrived..I had to pay the price of my involuntary gape because owing to a lack of concentration own my food,I mixed payasam insted of daal with rice..!!
"Rice with paayasam is awesome guys..!!You should try it once.. :P"
I kept my blunder concealed because I din't want the two loafers sitting with me to create a havoc and embarass ME and that too in front of a girl..
Finally i accomplished the task of gulping rice and payasam and got up to wash.I went past her,ignoring the other girl sitting opposite to her.Washed my hand,turned around to take a tissue.I looked at the table where she was sitting..I was facing her back.. I looked at the 
girl pal sitting opposite her..My head spinned..!!
I could hear Joel playing harp,running around on my head,giggling at me and reciting his lines.. "The cuteness of a girl is directly proportional to the ..............."
No..Please.. no more wrong picks anymore.. Stop Haunting ME..!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Viggu bai's Singapore Strategy won the first approval..

Sunday lunch was pretty heavy with steaming rice, rasam and spiced- fried seer fish.Having done nothing other than lunching ;) the entire day,Viggu bai sat in front of the PC and logged into orkut.Viggu bai turned around to see the others gaping at him in a semi sleepy state after a hectic workout at the Claypot Restaurant.The room was alarmingly silent as none had the vim to frame meaningful sentences in their ultra drowsy brain.

Gluttony should be made a CRIME.!!
Since it being a Sunday and on Sundays the only topic of discussion being "TIMELESSNESS",Sharaa somehow managed to say the word "TIMELESSNESS".Hearing this Yashin bai sprang up from bed and said..
"Da type itinerant in the search tab and click on the profile that appears first in the search..".Viggu bai followed.The profile appeared,having 134 photos.
Since the monitor crossed the 15 centimeter deadline from my bed and since I was not wearing my reading glasses,I just couldn't make out the face on the profile picture.The other eagle eyed losers huddled in front of the monitor as Viggu bai opened the album.The room echoed with the Inglorious comments about the guy in the picture.I ran to get my glasses from the other room.

I managed to find my glasses and craned my neck to look at the monitor.."God... a potential "DOG BOY" a Snoop Dog lookalike amidst a band of beautiful girls".Shit man..!What the hell is happening.Why is God being so unfair.. !!

Viggu bai browsed through the photos in his album.Each new photo was welcomed with a sigh of distress.The last one was an absolute hair raiser with the DOG BOY in a bubble bath with his Brazilian Girl friends.. captioned 
"They never make me miss my BATH.!!".
I and the remaining TIMELESS guys felt like epitomes of FIASCO, like  peniless kids gaping at the ice cream seller for a free ice cream. :(
I lost my interest sleep,i felt like doing a free fall from the balcony.If there was a crash course on "Becoming a TIME MAN", I would have mugged up the lessons well in advance and would have topped the batch..

I desperately need some serious mentoring... and luckily the others too felt the same.. i'd COMPANY..!! :-)
The topic finally drifted to Singapore trip and the TIME prospects there.Viggu bai was still lingering with orkut, typing in something in the search tab and clicking.Viggu bai seemed very much involved in the activity.I moved forward to see what actually was he doing.I could see a list of people on the screen in front and he was scanning the list with the precision of a watchmaker. I knew he too lacked a proper TIME and that he too was desperate to have a good TIME.But what has a list got to do with it??.I took a closer look at the list... there was something common in the list.Yea.. its common for all the people in the list.. ALL OF THEM ARE GIRLS..!!

"Dude are all these your friends..how did you manage to get friends with so many.. ??"I asked.
Viggu bai smiled back and resorted to scanning again.May be he must be searching for an old school friend or is it something else.. What is he up to ..??It was then the place name striked me .. the place too was common to all the people in the list.. its SINGAPORE..!!
"Man how come you have so many friends and that too girls at Singapore..Da introduce me to some of them .. :-)"I made a genuine request.
Viggu bai smiled back again..!!Why the hell is he smiling..I looked up at the status bar and the search bar below it to find it populated with the search string "Female+Single+Singapore". and before i could really digest that Viggu bai opened up the notepad and typed in..
 "Hi I'm Vignesh from b'lore.. I'm planning to visit S'pore smtime in Jan.Hey..Can you help 
me with the toursit spots there.. :-)".
He scrolled to select the entire text that he had typed in,right clicked chose copy,drifted back to the orkut list,chose a girl holding a Calvin Klein Mug -Vishita,female,single,Singapore,clad in a stripped top and blue jeans,opened up her profile,clicked on add as friend.. the request tab opened up one more right click and chose paste..the typed text in the notepad populated the request window,clicked on send.!!!!!!!

Shit man ..!! He is fishing for Singles at Singapore..!!"Man you are a genius..!!".I could see the victorious smile of an aspiring Einstein who's idea just won a millionaire patent.Yea his idea was worth patenting..and that was apparent by sight of a beeline behind the chair waiting to try out the Viggu bai Strategy..!!I had to fight with Sharane to try my luck implementing the Viggu bai Strategy..

Viggu bai managed to send request to 15 of them in Singapore and 12 in Malaysia.On Monday Viggu bai checked his open friends request in the orkut window..:( its still hasn't decreased..none has approved his friends request so far..which means they haven't approved my request either..Damn.!!
There was no sign of diminution on Tuesday too.Viggu bai felt desperate.Having patented the idea... I too felt desperate.!! :(
I was in the middle of execution on Wednesday when Viggu bai pinged me a link.I opened up.It was the profile of Vishita.. the girl in the stripped T-shirt and blue jeans with the Calvin Klein mug..
"Da don't worry I haven't missed her..She was the first person in Singapore to whom i had sent a friends request.." I pinged back.
"Dude its not that..!!"Viggu replied
"Then..???"I pinged back 
"Guess.."Viggu pinged
"What..??"Me pinged
"She has approved my friends request man ..!!!"Viggu replied

OMG..!! Viggu bai got his first approval and that too INTERNATIONAL.

Now its my turn ..!!Am WAITING..for that one-click on APPROVE..  ;-)