OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Friday, October 30, 2009

Viggu bai's Singapore Strategy won the first approval..

Sunday lunch was pretty heavy with steaming rice, rasam and spiced- fried seer fish.Having done nothing other than lunching ;) the entire day,Viggu bai sat in front of the PC and logged into orkut.Viggu bai turned around to see the others gaping at him in a semi sleepy state after a hectic workout at the Claypot Restaurant.The room was alarmingly silent as none had the vim to frame meaningful sentences in their ultra drowsy brain.

Gluttony should be made a CRIME.!!
Since it being a Sunday and on Sundays the only topic of discussion being "TIMELESSNESS",Sharaa somehow managed to say the word "TIMELESSNESS".Hearing this Yashin bai sprang up from bed and said..
"Da type itinerant in the search tab and click on the profile that appears first in the search..".Viggu bai followed.The profile appeared,having 134 photos.
Since the monitor crossed the 15 centimeter deadline from my bed and since I was not wearing my reading glasses,I just couldn't make out the face on the profile picture.The other eagle eyed losers huddled in front of the monitor as Viggu bai opened the album.The room echoed with the Inglorious comments about the guy in the picture.I ran to get my glasses from the other room.

I managed to find my glasses and craned my neck to look at the monitor.."God... a potential "DOG BOY" a Snoop Dog lookalike amidst a band of beautiful girls".Shit man..!What the hell is happening.Why is God being so unfair.. !!

Viggu bai browsed through the photos in his album.Each new photo was welcomed with a sigh of distress.The last one was an absolute hair raiser with the DOG BOY in a bubble bath with his Brazilian Girl friends.. captioned 
"They never make me miss my BATH.!!".
I and the remaining TIMELESS guys felt like epitomes of FIASCO, like  peniless kids gaping at the ice cream seller for a free ice cream. :(
I lost my interest sleep,i felt like doing a free fall from the balcony.If there was a crash course on "Becoming a TIME MAN", I would have mugged up the lessons well in advance and would have topped the batch..

I desperately need some serious mentoring... and luckily the others too felt the same.. i'd COMPANY..!! :-)
The topic finally drifted to Singapore trip and the TIME prospects there.Viggu bai was still lingering with orkut, typing in something in the search tab and clicking.Viggu bai seemed very much involved in the activity.I moved forward to see what actually was he doing.I could see a list of people on the screen in front and he was scanning the list with the precision of a watchmaker. I knew he too lacked a proper TIME and that he too was desperate to have a good TIME.But what has a list got to do with it??.I took a closer look at the list... there was something common in the list.Yea.. its common for all the people in the list.. ALL OF THEM ARE GIRLS..!!

"Dude are all these your friends..how did you manage to get friends with so many.. ??"I asked.
Viggu bai smiled back and resorted to scanning again.May be he must be searching for an old school friend or is it something else.. What is he up to ..??It was then the place name striked me .. the place too was common to all the people in the list.. its SINGAPORE..!!
"Man how come you have so many friends and that too girls at Singapore..Da introduce me to some of them .. :-)"I made a genuine request.
Viggu bai smiled back again..!!Why the hell is he smiling..I looked up at the status bar and the search bar below it to find it populated with the search string "Female+Single+Singapore". and before i could really digest that Viggu bai opened up the notepad and typed in..
 "Hi I'm Vignesh from b'lore.. I'm planning to visit S'pore smtime in Jan.Hey..Can you help 
me with the toursit spots there.. :-)".
He scrolled to select the entire text that he had typed in,right clicked chose copy,drifted back to the orkut list,chose a girl holding a Calvin Klein Mug -Vishita,female,single,Singapore,clad in a stripped top and blue jeans,opened up her profile,clicked on add as friend.. the request tab opened up one more right click and chose paste..the typed text in the notepad populated the request window,clicked on send.!!!!!!!

Shit man ..!! He is fishing for Singles at Singapore..!!"Man you are a genius..!!".I could see the victorious smile of an aspiring Einstein who's idea just won a millionaire patent.Yea his idea was worth patenting..and that was apparent by sight of a beeline behind the chair waiting to try out the Viggu bai Strategy..!!I had to fight with Sharane to try my luck implementing the Viggu bai Strategy..

Viggu bai managed to send request to 15 of them in Singapore and 12 in Malaysia.On Monday Viggu bai checked his open friends request in the orkut window..:( its still hasn't decreased..none has approved his friends request so far..which means they haven't approved my request either..Damn.!!
There was no sign of diminution on Tuesday too.Viggu bai felt desperate.Having patented the idea... I too felt desperate.!! :(
I was in the middle of execution on Wednesday when Viggu bai pinged me a link.I opened up.It was the profile of Vishita.. the girl in the stripped T-shirt and blue jeans with the Calvin Klein mug..
"Da don't worry I haven't missed her..She was the first person in Singapore to whom i had sent a friends request.." I pinged back.
"Dude its not that..!!"Viggu replied
"Then..???"I pinged back 
"Guess.."Viggu pinged
"What..??"Me pinged
"She has approved my friends request man ..!!!"Viggu replied

OMG..!! Viggu bai got his first approval and that too INTERNATIONAL.

Now its my turn ..!!Am WAITING..for that one-click on APPROVE..  ;-)