OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yippee.. Gtalk finally..

Owing to the traffic congestion on Gtalk and Gmail Server during Office hours,the facilities team here had imposed some kind of filter on gtalk and gmail chat window since last month.Imagine the plight of a company where half its employees squander their time chatting with FRIENDS on GTalk and that too group chats.

"Tell me.. be honest..How many of you guys check your office mails prior to your gmail and yahoo inbox once you reach office?? :P".

The funniest part is that some of them don't even bother to keep the chat ping on mute.You can hear the ting-ting sound the whole day.
My personal embarassing moment was when my gtalk betrayed me during the code review.My Manager was standing next to me checking the code changes that I  had made ; and by mistake I had dint change the status on the gtalk window.Mr.Tintumon seeing me online, pinged me.I dint respond.He kept on pinging like hell and the chat popped up like Soap bubbles from a bubble machine..!!Lucky that he maintained a sense of dignity in the chat.. Thank GOD.. and Thank Tintu..!!

People don't complain if the internal office messenger is down; but if the google server goes down for a minute, you can see them standing up and asking the person at the adjacent cube if its fine there.This is the height of ADDICTION.!!
And I'm no different from them. :D
I rarely go offline.I remember it was only once when I had to shift the system to 6th floor the status icon went GREY..!!

The usage of Gtalk,orkut,gmail,facebook,twitter,yahoo the six senses of an idle.. oops sorry ideal  professional was a liberty here at our office till September.But active orkutting,facebooking and chatting during office hours turned this LIBERTY into LIABILITY for the management.And finally one fine September morning, the gtalk login failed.I could hear the desparate clicks on the RETRY tab to login to gtalk, because i too was doing the same.The place resounded with the melancholic mouse clicks.!!But none emerged victorious.And they concluded "Damn.. They have blocked chatting here..!!".

But one lucky moron managed to crack the firewall.That was Mr.Riddi..!!Unlike the others Riddi din't give up.He tried the next day and the day after the next and finally one fine afternoon when the midday nap hit the Network room Riddi managed to login.Riddi as usual concluded his heroic effort with the hypothesis "Try it after 2.30 you will succeed.!!".
But as usual the Riddi effect reflected in the hypothesis too.(Ridd effect will be explained sometime later owing to its expasivity and complexity.)I and the rest of the gtalk thrivers tried.. but failed miserably.We lost our part time entertainment, people stopped laughing, the melancholic keyboard strokes transformed into angry thumping, the ting-ting sounds stopped ringing and finally people started WORKING..and the quarter results showed the corporate loss DECREASING..!!"God what a turn around..!!"

Finally Diwali arrived.People in a frantic desperation applied for a weeks leave to meet their gtalk chat mates in person.Happy Riddi who was still chatting merrily with his  chat mates too  applied for leave since he had to get his GRE applications ready.Riddi prior to leaving home on Thursday evening decided to switch off his PC to save power which in turn saves money for our company.

Back after a sleepy weekend,I reached office late as usual on Monday morning.Empty parking lot, deserted cafeteria and missing telephone rings typified that a majority was on vacation."God how am I going to survive this week in an empty work space with a  NOT RESPONDING gtalk ...Save me from this CALAMITY".For one last time I clicked on the Gtalk icon .. typed in the user id and my encoded super secret password..and clicked ... loading..loading.. did I see the green button ..??? yea its the green button flashing.. ONLINE.. !!

What do you think is the reason for the gtalk failure..??I need a response from you guys.. Why do you think the others weren't able to login when Riddi was online.??Why do you think his hypothesis proved wrong?Why do you think I was able to login after Riddi switched off his PC?

Well this is called the "Riddi Effect.."


  1. WeBuzz said...

    Hi, it seems that you had trouble on Gtalk's popup chatting dialog. What about using web Gtalk messenger on http://webuzz.im/ ? It requires no installation and it does not popup out chatting dialogs. You can have all messengers (Gtalk,MSN,Yahoo,Facebook,AIM are supported) login in only one web page.

  2. LEO said...

    thnks webuzz. will try out the tool you recommended. The problem was because we the IT department had installed a net filter to disable all gtalk stuff. Now they have lifted the ban and its working cool :)