OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dude we FAILED again..!!

Today morning i woke up hearing Riddi shouting "Dude we failed again..!!".
It took me a couple of minutes to comprehend what he meant by that.
I looked at my watch  God.. its 9.45 AM. I just couldn't  digest that.I searched for my mobile to have a look at the timer on it.He was right.. "We failed again..!"

I feel that my bio clock is running on US Time.We had plans to go to gym today morning and Riddi had assured me that he will wake me up  at sharp 7.30.But.. as usual his bio timer failed to fire..!!
But I had made the preconditions for an early wake up perfect ;before I went to bed yesterday night.
I had setup TWO alarms to make sure that even if one fails to disturb me the other one will definitely disturb my room mate Spar and he will defnitely slap me on my back for having disturbed his sleep and hence i will wake up having received a blow on my back.lol.. the idea was perfect."Spar sorry for putting you in trouble. :-)"

I just couldn't accept that my plan failed.I decided to do an RCA on the issue before brushing.I checked my mobile alarm if it had belled at the scheduled time.The alarm was fine.What else was the problem..??
And then I saw the villan abut the range bar flashing at me "Slient mode".
My poor gadget must have vibrated his gut out in its desperate attempt to wake me up..!!

The interesting fact about bad news is that they never stay single.I realized that when Raphel came up to me and said "Da.. I don't think we can go by train this time to Ekm..the tatkal tickets are sold out..!!"
"Oh..man this is Catastrophe..!!" I replied back.
Sometimes you feel that nothing turns out right even when you do it right.I was brooding on this philosophy when Riddi commanded "Man go get a shower.We're getting late for office.I won't wait if it gets beyond 10.20"
Amma says that a good clean shower can wash away your worries make you fresh all day.Since the geyser had gone for a toss,my shower was literally a shivering one.It was after the shower that I realized that I forgot to brush.!!Damn ..!!
After that mix-match daily routine session I finally reached office holding the faith that no more bad news is on the cards for me today.But.. as I said good news comes single but bad news ain't; they have company..

ADP our new time keeping system was the villian this time.PROCRASTINATION my noble virtue made me succumb this time too.  God..  I fail to stick to my resolutions.I should have filled my leave application yesterday morning itself, but my dear friend Mr PROCRASTINATION convinced me to ignore ADP even on knowing that today the ADP system will be cut and that means I will not be credited with 3 days salary on the paycheque this time.!

NO MORE BAD NEWS PLEASE.. I will take the remaining on some other day..!!