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Thursday, October 15, 2009

The forgetful bird will always miss the Bus.!!

Yesterday Oct 14th was the Global Day of Service(GDS) here in our office.The volunteer enrollment forms were issued long back in September precisely on the 15th of September.
The very day I received the volunteer enrollement form for GDS, as usual I did my routine screening on it,pressed CTRL +DEL to ensure that it doesn't stay in my vicinity anymore.
But my Mentor Motivator Mr.Hulk convinced me to enroll for it.
"Stand up and volunteer, this is your chance man.You don't get to do something like this very often.. You are a social animal and you have an obligation to the society.. Do it..now " Hulk said.
This ignited the "Social Responsibility" spirits in me and it overhauled the levels of laziness and finally I decided to register.. 
But having deleted the enrollement mail, I couldn't ask him to forward me the same to enroll because if I had done that he would have slapped me on my face..!!.So I asked Mr.Madhu if he had the enrollement mail with him.
"Dude are you mad.. I think I deleted that mail the very moment it popped up " Madhu replied.
For people like us "Ignorance is Bliss.."
I thought "its my chance to awaken the social service spirits in him..".So I bestowed Hulk's dialogue spiced with my own emotions to him and came back to my seat.
In five minutes my outlook inbox flashed "Fw : FW: GDS Enrollment" Sender: Madhu. 
"God .. is it because my speech was inspiring enough or did he sleep half way through the speech.. ??".
Finally both of us enrolled for GDS -Recycle Wing that had vaccany for only two volunteers from our office.
My urge to motivate people din't end up there.I scrubbed through my IM list pinged all of my friends and conveyed the necessity of social concern to all of them.Many of them did register on the very same day.LNK ,Merin ,Ganesh  and RK were among my victim list.I went home with a light heart having done something good.
I received two meeting invites scheduled for the weeks ahead from the head of the GDS-Recycle wing dept.Unfortunately I missed the first one since I had to go home on that weekend.I was confident that I will be able to attend the second one,and hence prior to the meeting day I checked the mail.The meeting was scheduled at 9,Saturday.I reached office at 8.50 AM opened the web session for the meeting and 
clicked on the link."The link is unavailable.." a message appeared on the screen.I checked my watch once again..it was 8.55 AM,i decided to wait for 10 minutes.Finally at 9.10 AM i tried again,but again i got the same message.!!It was then I realized that I hadn't received the meeting reminder alarm from outlook.I checked the outlook calendar for the meeting time and.. I was shocked to see the time on it "9 PM".God.. this is embarrassing..!!
After having deceived by my own PC,I  decided to skip the meeting that day...!! and the flash back ends here.

Yesterday as usual,I woke up late ,but luckily at 8.30.Mr Riddi was already on his canvas to go to gym.I decided to go with him to our office gym.Everything seemed normal on the way.As we took the turn to 
office, there I could see couple of buses lined outside the office.As we entered, many of them in organe T shirts were hurriedly packing their stuff and boarding the buses parked outside, and the buses started moving out of the parking space.

"What is happening man..?" I asked Riddi.
and then I saw Ganesh waving at me from the bus.. he was shouting something and it wasn't clear.. but before I could focus on him ,I read the banner put up behind the last moving bus.. It said "Global Day of Service -Oct 14".
And that marked the end of my Social Obligation.