OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Friday, October 30, 2009

Viggu bai's Singapore Strategy won the first approval..

Sunday lunch was pretty heavy with steaming rice, rasam and spiced- fried seer fish.Having done nothing other than lunching ;) the entire day,Viggu bai sat in front of the PC and logged into orkut.Viggu bai turned around to see the others gaping at him in a semi sleepy state after a hectic workout at the Claypot Restaurant.The room was alarmingly silent as none had the vim to frame meaningful sentences in their ultra drowsy brain.

Gluttony should be made a CRIME.!!
Since it being a Sunday and on Sundays the only topic of discussion being "TIMELESSNESS",Sharaa somehow managed to say the word "TIMELESSNESS".Hearing this Yashin bai sprang up from bed and said..
"Da type itinerant in the search tab and click on the profile that appears first in the search..".Viggu bai followed.The profile appeared,having 134 photos.
Since the monitor crossed the 15 centimeter deadline from my bed and since I was not wearing my reading glasses,I just couldn't make out the face on the profile picture.The other eagle eyed losers huddled in front of the monitor as Viggu bai opened the album.The room echoed with the Inglorious comments about the guy in the picture.I ran to get my glasses from the other room.

I managed to find my glasses and craned my neck to look at the monitor.."God... a potential "DOG BOY" a Snoop Dog lookalike amidst a band of beautiful girls".Shit man..!What the hell is happening.Why is God being so unfair.. !!

Viggu bai browsed through the photos in his album.Each new photo was welcomed with a sigh of distress.The last one was an absolute hair raiser with the DOG BOY in a bubble bath with his Brazilian Girl friends.. captioned 
"They never make me miss my BATH.!!".
I and the remaining TIMELESS guys felt like epitomes of FIASCO, like  peniless kids gaping at the ice cream seller for a free ice cream. :(
I lost my interest sleep,i felt like doing a free fall from the balcony.If there was a crash course on "Becoming a TIME MAN", I would have mugged up the lessons well in advance and would have topped the batch..

I desperately need some serious mentoring... and luckily the others too felt the same.. i'd COMPANY..!! :-)
The topic finally drifted to Singapore trip and the TIME prospects there.Viggu bai was still lingering with orkut, typing in something in the search tab and clicking.Viggu bai seemed very much involved in the activity.I moved forward to see what actually was he doing.I could see a list of people on the screen in front and he was scanning the list with the precision of a watchmaker. I knew he too lacked a proper TIME and that he too was desperate to have a good TIME.But what has a list got to do with it??.I took a closer look at the list... there was something common in the list.Yea.. its common for all the people in the list.. ALL OF THEM ARE GIRLS..!!

"Dude are all these your friends..how did you manage to get friends with so many.. ??"I asked.
Viggu bai smiled back and resorted to scanning again.May be he must be searching for an old school friend or is it something else.. What is he up to ..??It was then the place name striked me .. the place too was common to all the people in the list.. its SINGAPORE..!!
"Man how come you have so many friends and that too girls at Singapore..Da introduce me to some of them .. :-)"I made a genuine request.
Viggu bai smiled back again..!!Why the hell is he smiling..I looked up at the status bar and the search bar below it to find it populated with the search string "Female+Single+Singapore". and before i could really digest that Viggu bai opened up the notepad and typed in..
 "Hi I'm Vignesh from b'lore.. I'm planning to visit S'pore smtime in Jan.Hey..Can you help 
me with the toursit spots there.. :-)".
He scrolled to select the entire text that he had typed in,right clicked chose copy,drifted back to the orkut list,chose a girl holding a Calvin Klein Mug -Vishita,female,single,Singapore,clad in a stripped top and blue jeans,opened up her profile,clicked on add as friend.. the request tab opened up one more right click and chose paste..the typed text in the notepad populated the request window,clicked on send.!!!!!!!

Shit man ..!! He is fishing for Singles at Singapore..!!"Man you are a genius..!!".I could see the victorious smile of an aspiring Einstein who's idea just won a millionaire patent.Yea his idea was worth patenting..and that was apparent by sight of a beeline behind the chair waiting to try out the Viggu bai Strategy..!!I had to fight with Sharane to try my luck implementing the Viggu bai Strategy..

Viggu bai managed to send request to 15 of them in Singapore and 12 in Malaysia.On Monday Viggu bai checked his open friends request in the orkut window..:( its still hasn't decreased..none has approved his friends request so far..which means they haven't approved my request either..Damn.!!
There was no sign of diminution on Tuesday too.Viggu bai felt desperate.Having patented the idea... I too felt desperate.!! :(
I was in the middle of execution on Wednesday when Viggu bai pinged me a link.I opened up.It was the profile of Vishita.. the girl in the stripped T-shirt and blue jeans with the Calvin Klein mug..
"Da don't worry I haven't missed her..She was the first person in Singapore to whom i had sent a friends request.." I pinged back.
"Dude its not that..!!"Viggu replied
"Then..???"I pinged back 
"Guess.."Viggu pinged
"What..??"Me pinged
"She has approved my friends request man ..!!!"Viggu replied

OMG..!! Viggu bai got his first approval and that too INTERNATIONAL.

Now its my turn ..!!Am WAITING..for that one-click on APPROVE..  ;-)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yippee.. Gtalk finally..

Owing to the traffic congestion on Gtalk and Gmail Server during Office hours,the facilities team here had imposed some kind of filter on gtalk and gmail chat window since last month.Imagine the plight of a company where half its employees squander their time chatting with FRIENDS on GTalk and that too group chats.

"Tell me.. be honest..How many of you guys check your office mails prior to your gmail and yahoo inbox once you reach office?? :P".

The funniest part is that some of them don't even bother to keep the chat ping on mute.You can hear the ting-ting sound the whole day.
My personal embarassing moment was when my gtalk betrayed me during the code review.My Manager was standing next to me checking the code changes that I  had made ; and by mistake I had dint change the status on the gtalk window.Mr.Tintumon seeing me online, pinged me.I dint respond.He kept on pinging like hell and the chat popped up like Soap bubbles from a bubble machine..!!Lucky that he maintained a sense of dignity in the chat.. Thank GOD.. and Thank Tintu..!!

People don't complain if the internal office messenger is down; but if the google server goes down for a minute, you can see them standing up and asking the person at the adjacent cube if its fine there.This is the height of ADDICTION.!!
And I'm no different from them. :D
I rarely go offline.I remember it was only once when I had to shift the system to 6th floor the status icon went GREY..!!

The usage of Gtalk,orkut,gmail,facebook,twitter,yahoo the six senses of an idle.. oops sorry ideal  professional was a liberty here at our office till September.But active orkutting,facebooking and chatting during office hours turned this LIBERTY into LIABILITY for the management.And finally one fine September morning, the gtalk login failed.I could hear the desparate clicks on the RETRY tab to login to gtalk, because i too was doing the same.The place resounded with the melancholic mouse clicks.!!But none emerged victorious.And they concluded "Damn.. They have blocked chatting here..!!".

But one lucky moron managed to crack the firewall.That was Mr.Riddi..!!Unlike the others Riddi din't give up.He tried the next day and the day after the next and finally one fine afternoon when the midday nap hit the Network room Riddi managed to login.Riddi as usual concluded his heroic effort with the hypothesis "Try it after 2.30 you will succeed.!!".
But as usual the Riddi effect reflected in the hypothesis too.(Ridd effect will be explained sometime later owing to its expasivity and complexity.)I and the rest of the gtalk thrivers tried.. but failed miserably.We lost our part time entertainment, people stopped laughing, the melancholic keyboard strokes transformed into angry thumping, the ting-ting sounds stopped ringing and finally people started WORKING..and the quarter results showed the corporate loss DECREASING..!!"God what a turn around..!!"

Finally Diwali arrived.People in a frantic desperation applied for a weeks leave to meet their gtalk chat mates in person.Happy Riddi who was still chatting merrily with his  chat mates too  applied for leave since he had to get his GRE applications ready.Riddi prior to leaving home on Thursday evening decided to switch off his PC to save power which in turn saves money for our company.

Back after a sleepy weekend,I reached office late as usual on Monday morning.Empty parking lot, deserted cafeteria and missing telephone rings typified that a majority was on vacation."God how am I going to survive this week in an empty work space with a  NOT RESPONDING gtalk ...Save me from this CALAMITY".For one last time I clicked on the Gtalk icon .. typed in the user id and my encoded super secret password..and clicked ... loading..loading.. did I see the green button ..??? yea its the green button flashing.. ONLINE.. !!

What do you think is the reason for the gtalk failure..??I need a response from you guys.. Why do you think the others weren't able to login when Riddi was online.??Why do you think his hypothesis proved wrong?Why do you think I was able to login after Riddi switched off his PC?

Well this is called the "Riddi Effect.."

Thursday, October 22, 2009


You may think its CRAZY.. Yea I know it is in fact a bit crazy.. for an onlooker.But for the bunch of lads staying with me,its a ROUTINE AFFAIR.We live on the verge of Insanity,Entropy and Slaphappy.
Let me ask you "Have you ever decided to go on an international trip in 10 minutes.. ??;-) if not I'll tell you how to do that.. :P"
It was 10pm,while we were having food at MALABAR,Mr.Thampan called up and said "Guys,there is a flight package to Singapore-Malaysia..to and fro at 3400Rs!!Interested ??"
"I think we all can make it to Singapore this time..Come on guys let's do it"Mr.Sajan said.

I'm lucky to have joined the group wchich rarely plans things ahead.I understand that "a fail to plan is a plan to fail",but the problem with people like me and the group that i hangout with is that we're too LAZY to stick to a  plan.Imagine it was without an itinerary and no advance hotel room booking that we went on a holiday to Goa in March'09.All we had was a google map printout of Goa and a single contact number and that too out of reachability area..lol..;D But still we managed to get a good villa, the cheapest sea ride and the finest inn and the best of the hookah's and that too on the sea side.
"Isn't that awesome..??".
Trust me.. if you plan your holiday then there is no point in calling it a holiday.Try not assosciating a routine with it, go thoroughly unplanned,erase all your judgements about the places that you are about to see, and then.. i bet it will be a memorable one. 

At 11.45pm Thampan called up again and said "The booking window will open at 12 sharp and only very few people are aware of this offer.I think we can get ample seats."
"Oh.. man the airtel guys haven't shifted our modem from our old flat.We won't be able to get online from our new place." I replied.

Finally we decided to go over to Sajan's place.Late night ride to Domlur.On the way i called up Spar and informed him about the offer."Da am IN..!!" Spar replied.This is the homogeneousness that prevails in our group.You call up anyone,even in the middle of the night, tell them the most inviable and the most whackiest of the ideas, they will still stand with you.
"Cheers guys..You are truly special!!"
We assembled at Sajan's house at 12.10am, the ten of us.Checked the site for booking details and the travel charges.Thampan was right, the package was for 3400Rs UBELIEVABLE..!!.
Riddi went throught the info to book the tickets online.Since we din't have much experience infact zero experience on "International" flight booking,we were not aware of the fact that a passport number was mandatory to book the tickets.Owing to this Mr.Yashin backed out 
as he was not having a passport.That lazy chap din't bother to apply for one even after college.!!Passport is something that's considered to be a vestige in my place.Many of them haven't applied for it solely because they feel that they don't deserve a chance to go aboard.But luckily my company HR saved me from the trend by mandating its requirement for my joining.

Clock ticked 12.30 and we hadn't booked our tickets since none had their passport with them.
"You guys wait here.I will get your passports"Mr.Rapheal said.

Meanwhile we made a rough estimate of the possible expenses.We finalised the idea of each person carrying two bags,a backpack of clothes and the regular accessories plus a handbag 
stuffed with MAGGY packets and a hot plate..:P "Perfect isn't it !!"This we felt can cut down the expense exponentially and save money for the PUBS and PARLOURS.. lol.. 
The next main concern was the accommodation.
Mr Sajan said "Guys I may not be there with you for two days during our Singapore visit.My 
FRIEND has asked me to come over since she's "FREE" then..PLEASE DON'T MISUNDERSTAND ME..!! :P"."This lucky moron is running on INTERNATIONAL TIME..!!".

Riddi and Raphel returned with a bunch of passports and we resorted to booking tickets.Riddi is a man who finds pleasure in taking responsibilities like booking tickets,framing aggreement letters and all those stuff that require pre-READING.
"Dude if you weren't there with us your life would have been miserable..oops .. sorry our 
life".So this time too he volunteered and we readily agreed to give him the responsilbility of booking tickets and that too with his Credit Card..

The discussion about the accomodation heated up again.Finally Rapheal said "Da I remember my brother mentioning about some hostel kind of thing which is setup specially for student travellers.Its very cheap there.Its called the backpackers hostel.It's a dormitory wherein you 
can drink and droll and dance with damsels from around the globe".
"OMG we'll go there then..!!;-)"we all shouted in unison.

We are going international this time....
 to GET international....,
                                                                         with a 3 line itinerary ...


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The potential advantage of having a name starting with "V"

It's Diwali Weekend.. and we haven't received any surprise  mails yet!!This was the topic of discussion for the past couple of days.Mr.Sai my team mate said that since its recession time,it might have reflected in the gift distribution too..
Even when people say that they really don't think that this time there will be any gift distribution happening,its quite obvious that in the back of their mind they pray and crave for the opposite..I represent that desperate majority!!.
Today being the last working day before Diwali the chances of Diwali gift surprise mail has narrowed down to 10%.I just couldn't accept this ignorance from the HR dept.Last time we got a BIG BOX of Cardbury Celebration as Diwali Gift.The problem with a gift distribution ceremony is that people like me believe it to be a custom from then on.. :-)
The only time when you keep a constant eye on your watch is when you are anticipating for something..Its almost 12 and I had given up all hopes of taking home a Diwali Gift this time.
Approximately at 12.35 my inbox ticked with a mail addressed to MSGBLR(addressed to all the staff in our Bangalore Office).BINGO..!! "Diwali Gift Distribution at Cafeteria @ 3pm.."
"Dude what do you think it will be this time"Mr Madhu asked.
"Man.. since we are Recession hit,i bet this time it will be Cardbury Gems instead of Cardbury Celebrations.." i replied.
Mr Madhu had to leave at 4pm to Chennai so he was getting a bit impatient.
"Dude can you collect my Diwali Gift too..??" he asked.
"Man people were carrying multiple gift boxes last time.. and there are rumors that it was during last Diwali that our company incurred maximum loss.They had spend more amount on Diwali Gift than the month end salary that time.1500 plus gift boxes were issued to 450 plus employees.. So this time on.., i bet there will be some kind of RF id tracker at the cafeteria entrance to embarass people if they carry more boxes than expected.." i replied.
Mr Madhu on hearing this decided to wait till 3pm to collect his Diwali Gift.
"Don't Worry..Go over to the cafeteria around 2.55, you will be the first person to collect the gift" i consoled him.
After a heavy lunch at the Clay Pot we got back to office at 2.20.
"Dude let me fill my timesheets we'll go over to cafeteria at 2.50 sharp"Mr Madhu said.
I had nothing much to do since my execution target for the week was met on thursday itself..I'm very systematic..lol.. I remigrated to the act of reading cnet reviews and the open eye sleep.
"Ting..Ting ..Ting.. " My IM window was pinging messages from Madhu..
"Dude chek your IM list..!!"the message said..I opened up the IM contact list scrolled down to my team list.God .. only two status icons in green..Myself and Madhu..!! All the others are Away..!! 
" This is the height of impatience..!!"
We ran to the lift lobby and pressed the down button, but couldn't get into any of the lift  since all of them where overloaded.We decided to take the stairs and that was a mistake..!!
I haven't been for a Rajini movie first day show before.. but Madhu said its pretty much like the one at the cafeteria.Long.. progressing cavalcade in front of the name boards tagged A-Z to collect the Diwali Gift.The one in front of the M-P section was the longest; having crossed a double loop.Madhu made it to the last of the queue.
I couldn't see the V nameboard anywhere near,but having seen the long queue in front of the others I assumed it to be a long one there  too.
"Man you stay in the queue i'm leaving.. i'll get my box later" i said to Madhu.
"Dude if you want the Diwali Gift this time you better stand in the queue.Else there are chances that someone else may claim your gift.. :P"Madhu replied.
Having a name starting with V had always given me trouble in my school days.Being "V"'ed I had to wait till the end to get my answer sheets and report cards.Waiting was not a problem but the hardest part was the burning tension inside and the cold feet which made me sweat till my turn.I hardly found a solution for that.I tried hiding behind the desk,closing my eyes and tapping my foot to deviate my attention from the answer sheet but it hardly helped.
The more I tried to ignore it , the faster my heart pounded..!!
My past "V" alphabet experiences revived and tarnished my thoughts to expect a catastrophe this time too.I looked around for the "V" board.I could see it hanging at the very end of the cafeteria, but I couldn't see the queue in front of it.I moved lazily towards the name board.. expecting a BIG line there..
GOD..!! this is fantastic.. There is hardly five people standing in the queue there at the "V" board.I rechecked the board.Yea its "V".This is just awesome.For the first time I felt lucky to have a name starting with "V".Proud to be "V"'ed ;)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The forgetful bird will always miss the Bus.!!

Yesterday Oct 14th was the Global Day of Service(GDS) here in our office.The volunteer enrollment forms were issued long back in September precisely on the 15th of September.
The very day I received the volunteer enrollement form for GDS, as usual I did my routine screening on it,pressed CTRL +DEL to ensure that it doesn't stay in my vicinity anymore.
But my Mentor Motivator Mr.Hulk convinced me to enroll for it.
"Stand up and volunteer, this is your chance man.You don't get to do something like this very often.. You are a social animal and you have an obligation to the society.. Do it..now " Hulk said.
This ignited the "Social Responsibility" spirits in me and it overhauled the levels of laziness and finally I decided to register.. 
But having deleted the enrollement mail, I couldn't ask him to forward me the same to enroll because if I had done that he would have slapped me on my face..!!.So I asked Mr.Madhu if he had the enrollement mail with him.
"Dude are you mad.. I think I deleted that mail the very moment it popped up " Madhu replied.
For people like us "Ignorance is Bliss.."
I thought "its my chance to awaken the social service spirits in him..".So I bestowed Hulk's dialogue spiced with my own emotions to him and came back to my seat.
In five minutes my outlook inbox flashed "Fw : FW: GDS Enrollment" Sender: Madhu. 
"God .. is it because my speech was inspiring enough or did he sleep half way through the speech.. ??".
Finally both of us enrolled for GDS -Recycle Wing that had vaccany for only two volunteers from our office.
My urge to motivate people din't end up there.I scrubbed through my IM list pinged all of my friends and conveyed the necessity of social concern to all of them.Many of them did register on the very same day.LNK ,Merin ,Ganesh  and RK were among my victim list.I went home with a light heart having done something good.
I received two meeting invites scheduled for the weeks ahead from the head of the GDS-Recycle wing dept.Unfortunately I missed the first one since I had to go home on that weekend.I was confident that I will be able to attend the second one,and hence prior to the meeting day I checked the mail.The meeting was scheduled at 9,Saturday.I reached office at 8.50 AM opened the web session for the meeting and 
clicked on the link."The link is unavailable.." a message appeared on the screen.I checked my watch once again..it was 8.55 AM,i decided to wait for 10 minutes.Finally at 9.10 AM i tried again,but again i got the same message.!!It was then I realized that I hadn't received the meeting reminder alarm from outlook.I checked the outlook calendar for the meeting time and.. I was shocked to see the time on it "9 PM".God.. this is embarrassing..!!
After having deceived by my own PC,I  decided to skip the meeting that day...!! and the flash back ends here.

Yesterday as usual,I woke up late ,but luckily at 8.30.Mr Riddi was already on his canvas to go to gym.I decided to go with him to our office gym.Everything seemed normal on the way.As we took the turn to 
office, there I could see couple of buses lined outside the office.As we entered, many of them in organe T shirts were hurriedly packing their stuff and boarding the buses parked outside, and the buses started moving out of the parking space.

"What is happening man..?" I asked Riddi.
and then I saw Ganesh waving at me from the bus.. he was shouting something and it wasn't clear.. but before I could focus on him ,I read the banner put up behind the last moving bus.. It said "Global Day of Service -Oct 14".
And that marked the end of my Social Obligation. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Keep the newspaper and toilet the way you expect it to be..!!

Hypothesis proposed by Mr.Riddi at 9am today morning.The reason behind the proposal of this potentially preposterous hypothesis was the sight of the DISMANTLED "The Hindu".Riddi as usual figured out the person behind this.. it was Mr Rapheal,the time man of the moment. The hypothesis was welcomed by the signature "I JUST DON'T CARE" grin from Rapheal coming after the shower in his stripped and "dandruffed" towel.After a couple of rehersals in front of the mirror ; the one which he always does to ensure that his beer belly which he feels is ominous is tightened by a belt to tone it into the stupefying abs.
It was then that Raphel realised that he hasn't brushed his teeth..!!
"All wise men make the same mistake..!!".
Mr Raphel having realised his blunder reached for the empty Pepsodent Tube and strained his muscles to squeze the last molecules of paste from that, but he failed miserably.
Mr Rapheal thought for a moment and then with the EUREKA smile ran into the kitchen and started searching.
"Dude the scissors is not here in the kitchen" Rapheal shouted.Riddi on hearing this, accosted and rephrased his hypothesis a second time..  
"Man Keep the scissors at the place where you expect it to be and not at the balcony.!!!" 

Riddi the Blackberry man of the moment decided to wear his blackberry trousers to office today.After 10 minutes long meticulous and punctilicious ironing,Riddi finally got dressed in his blackberry no wrinkle for today trousers,greased his hair, tucked his formals neatly and literally hosed a bottle of Spar's "Nivea Men's" and came out.I was waiting outside.Riddi checked the shoe stand for his Liberty Black Formal Shoes, since he thought that canvas will look awkward with his blackberry.And it was after a thorough search of the shoe stand from top to bottom, Riddi realised  that Mr Sharan too was in a blackberry today...

 and since "All wise men think alike", he too might have had the same hunch of wearing  the Liberty Black Shoes...and since there was only a single pair of Liberty Black Shoes, its very likely that the person who had the hunch first will wear it first...!!
Finally feeling frustrated on account of this Mr Riddi called up Sharan and rephrased his hypothesis a third time.. 
"Man I have kept my shoes where I expect it to be .. but still i don't find it there..!!!" 

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dude we FAILED again..!!

Today morning i woke up hearing Riddi shouting "Dude we failed again..!!".
It took me a couple of minutes to comprehend what he meant by that.
I looked at my watch  God.. its 9.45 AM. I just couldn't  digest that.I searched for my mobile to have a look at the timer on it.He was right.. "We failed again..!"

I feel that my bio clock is running on US Time.We had plans to go to gym today morning and Riddi had assured me that he will wake me up  at sharp 7.30.But.. as usual his bio timer failed to fire..!!
But I had made the preconditions for an early wake up perfect ;before I went to bed yesterday night.
I had setup TWO alarms to make sure that even if one fails to disturb me the other one will definitely disturb my room mate Spar and he will defnitely slap me on my back for having disturbed his sleep and hence i will wake up having received a blow on my back.lol.. the idea was perfect."Spar sorry for putting you in trouble. :-)"

I just couldn't accept that my plan failed.I decided to do an RCA on the issue before brushing.I checked my mobile alarm if it had belled at the scheduled time.The alarm was fine.What else was the problem..??
And then I saw the villan abut the range bar flashing at me "Slient mode".
My poor gadget must have vibrated his gut out in its desperate attempt to wake me up..!!

The interesting fact about bad news is that they never stay single.I realized that when Raphel came up to me and said "Da.. I don't think we can go by train this time to Ekm..the tatkal tickets are sold out..!!"
"Oh..man this is Catastrophe..!!" I replied back.
Sometimes you feel that nothing turns out right even when you do it right.I was brooding on this philosophy when Riddi commanded "Man go get a shower.We're getting late for office.I won't wait if it gets beyond 10.20"
Amma says that a good clean shower can wash away your worries make you fresh all day.Since the geyser had gone for a toss,my shower was literally a shivering one.It was after the shower that I realized that I forgot to brush.!!Damn ..!!
After that mix-match daily routine session I finally reached office holding the faith that no more bad news is on the cards for me today.But.. as I said good news comes single but bad news ain't; they have company..

ADP our new time keeping system was the villian this time.PROCRASTINATION my noble virtue made me succumb this time too.  God..  I fail to stick to my resolutions.I should have filled my leave application yesterday morning itself, but my dear friend Mr PROCRASTINATION convinced me to ignore ADP even on knowing that today the ADP system will be cut and that means I will not be credited with 3 days salary on the paycheque this time.!

NO MORE BAD NEWS PLEASE.. I will take the remaining on some other day..!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday Morning Blues..!!

How many of you wake up on Monday mornings craving for a holiday..??
....Is that a smile on your face..!! 
Cheers mate you are of my kind :P

So tell me what makes you sad on Mondays..?
Is it the inertia to get up from bed before 9.. 
or is it the midday naps that you'll miss on Mondays to Fridays.. 
or is it the PROCRASTINATION, the virtue of the wise, which made you pile up all the pending works to Monday.. 
or is it the bundle of surprise in your OUTLOOK inbox.. 
or is it the weekly status meetings on Monday afternoon.. 
or is it the "Mondayitis" because of an unforgettable weekend.. :P 

To be very frank my problem is a mix of all these topped wit the saddest of the ingredients, the "TIMELESSNESS"..You may wonder what Timelessness means.. :) yeah.. that's a surprise..after pepsticide the next word which is to be added to The Oxford Dictionary and that too coined by a Keralaite is TIMELESSNESS.You will get to know the real meaning of it in a couple of weeks from now lol...

I try to pose a smile on my face every Monday morning but don't know why.. i fail miserably in doing that.Check out the stress lines that you have on your face the next time you look yourself at the mirror and if possible count the number of lines.I bet the number of lines will be proportional to  the number of Monday mornings.. :)but this is applicable only to the unmarried SINGLES..
GOD.. if Monday was Friday then I would've stayed young forever..!!
Don't know what surprises are in store for me this week.. "Dear surprise box.. you can beat me.. you can break me.. but you cannot CHANGE ME..!!"

Friday, October 09, 2009

Another Friday morning @ office..

Hurray..!! its Friday again ..I had lost a sense of time when I was in my college because each day was more or the other same.. be it a weekday or a weekend you had the liberty to linger around with same bunch of FRIENDS.. had the freedom to schedule events of the day at will.. had the liberty to sleep whenever..Gosh I feel  sad.. :( If I could ever turn back time I would go back to my COLLEGE.. I miss my Alma Mater..

Gone are those days .. My sweet old memories ..I THRIVE on YOUR HEART BEAT..
I don't know why people run around with their open laptops in search of conference rooms.. If they can't fix a conference room for a meeting how are they going to fix the bugs in the code.. lol..
At times you feel that your watch ain't ticking that fast.. Today is one such day.. Nothing to do at office..Dangerously work less..  I have spend half my time gazing at people running around with their notepads in search of the conference rooms..God I feel like an alien..! I don't belong here anymore.But am lucky that at least my outlook is busy gulping mails.And talking about mails I really wonder why do people take so much of pain in writing mails to the person sitting next to him.. Why can't they just walk up to him and speak..!Its a crazy world around me.. bound by rules and ethics..!Moma.. I want to come home.. :(

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

First day at the new house.. will it be our TIME house ..??

Mmm.. ye a its my first day at the Pragati apartments that we had taken on lease for 11 months from today.. I never thought that shifting of stuff from our old apartment to the new one would be so much fun.. It was literally the second best endeavour of ours in 2009.We managed to crack the record shifting time set by the packers and movers. lol..
The first step to the new apartment was welcomed by the very sight of the RED T-shirt lady who stays in 203 I believe.We dropped our baggage and stood there gaping behind her back.She definitely must have felt very proud to see a band of boys staring at her amused, spelled by her beauty,enchanted by her charm, but she failed to realize that open mouth gaping is an act patented by us from the very first day in bangalore and we have taken the oath to practice it on every possible occasion.
But I feel that this time things are not going to be like before.I feel that a change is there on the cards.I feel the aura of its presence around me.. Yea i strongly feel that this time I will get it :P

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Shantaram finally..!!

I had been waiting for this one desperately for the last couple of months ever since I heard that its going to be filmed..!! Shantaram starring Johnny Depp. :)
Guys its an amazing feeling when you get what you had been craving for a long time.. I bet the last person who had read that book hasn't read it in full.The pulp odor is very much intact.The edges are a bit ruffled but the pages are very much in place.Glad that I got an original copy now that i don't have to take the pain of reading the look alike xerox copies where you have to spend half the time dismantling the bind arranging the pages in order,rebinding it and then reading..
Its there lying on my bedside table waiting to be touched.. Shantaram ..!!